GARDENIA JASMINOIDES Cape Jasmine / Katjiepiering 3L


Gardenia jasminoides

Elegant and aromatic, the Gardenia graces gardens with pristine white petals and an intoxicating scent. Evening strolls will never be the same.

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SKU: HAE-GARDENJAS Categories: , ,


Gardenia jasminoides

A true classic in the realm of fragrant flowers. This evergreen shrub boasts shiny, deep green leaves that create the perfect backdrop for its velvety white, rose-like blooms. The alluring perfume of its flowers can transform any garden into a fragrant paradise, especially during late spring to early summer.
Flower/s Colour: White

Height: Up to 2 m

Humidity: Prefers higher humidity

Indoor or Outdoor: Both, but outdoor is ideal for larger growth

Leaf Colour: Dark green, glossy

Lifespan: Perennial

Soil: Rich, well-draining, acidic

Sowing Season: Spring for seeds

Structure: Dense, bushy shrub

Sun Requirement: Partial shade

Temperature: Prefers warmer climates, frost-sensitive

Water: Regular but allow soil to dry between watering

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 17 × 17 × 63 cm
Sun Requirement




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