Tea Tree Melaleuca Alternifolia


SKU: MEL-ALT- TTREE-2024 Categories: , ,


Growing Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree):
1. Climate:
– Loves warm, humid places.
– Perfect for USDA zones 8-11.
2. Soil:
– Does best in well-drained, sandy, or loamy soil.
– It’s pretty tough and can handle poor soil, but prefers slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.0-7.0).
3. Light:
– Needs full sun to partial shade.
– Aim for at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day.
4. Water:
– Keep the soil consistently moist but not soaked.
– Once it’s settled in, it can handle short dry spells.
5. Temperature:
– Doesn’t like frost; prefers temps above 50°F (10°C).
– Can handle a bit of cold but not long freezes.
6. Maintenance:
– Prune it regularly to keep it in shape and encourage bushy growth.
– Mulch around the base to keep the soil moist and cool.
Uses for Melaleuca alternifolia:
1. Essential Oil:
– The leaves produce Tea Tree Oil, known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory powers.
– It’s in tons of skincare and hair care products, and great for minor cuts, burns, and infections.
2. Ornamental Plant:
– Looks great with its fine foliage and white or cream flowers.
– Perfect for hedges, windbreaks, or just as a standout plant in your garden.
3. Medicinal:
– Traditionally used by indigenous Australians for coughs, colds, and skin issues.
– Modern uses include treating acne, fungal infections, and other skin conditions with its antimicrobial properties.
4. Environmental:
– Acts as a natural pest deterrent because of its strong scent and oils.
– Good for planting in erosion-prone areas to help stabilize the soil.


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