Plectranthis Eckolonii Pink Spur flower



Introducing Plectranthus ‘Spur Flower,’ a captivating hybrid variety renowned for its striking foliage and delightful blooms. Here’s how to cultivate this beauty:

  1. Light: Prefers bright, indirect light indoors. Outdoors, partial shade is ideal, protecting it from intense sunlight.

  2. Temperature: Thrives in moderate temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). Keep away from frosty conditions.

  3. Watering: Maintain soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top layer to dry out slightly between waterings.

  4. Soil: Opt for well-draining potting mix, ensuring good aeration for healthy root development.

  5. Humidity: Appreciates moderate to high humidity levels. Regular misting or placing a humidity tray nearby can help.

  6. Fertilization: Feed monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer).

  7. Pruning: Trim regularly to encourage bushy growth and remove any leggy or unhealthy stems.

  8. Propagation: Easily propagate through stem cuttings placed in water or directly in soil.

  9. Pest and Disease Control: Keep an eye out for common pests like aphids and spider mites. Treat promptly with insecticidal soap if needed.

  10. Container Versatility: Suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation, either in gardens or containers, providing versatility in placement options.

With these growing conditions, you can cultivate a flourishing Plectranthus ‘Spur Flower’ and enjoy its enchanting foliage and charming blossoms to the fullest.


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