Philodendron Atom


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Philodendron atom, also known as Philodendron bipinnatifidum ‘Atom’, is a tropical plant that is generally easy to care for. Here are the growing conditions for Philodendron atom:

  1. Light: Prefers bright, indirect light. It can tolerate some shade but avoid direct sunlight as it may scorch the leaves.

  2. Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist during the growing season (spring and summer). Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings in winter.

  3. Humidity: Prefers high humidity. You can increase humidity by misting the leaves, placing the plant on a humidity tray, or using a humidifier.

  4. Temperature: Thrives in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C). It can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures down to 55°F (13°C).

  5. Soil: Well-draining potting mix with organic matter is ideal. A mix for aroids or tropical plants works well.

  6. Fertilizer: Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly during the growing season.

  7. Pruning: Remove yellow or dead leaves and prune to shape the plant if necessary.

  8. Propagation: Can be propagated from stem cuttings.

  9. Pests: Watch out for spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids. Keep the plant clean and free from pests.

  10. Potting: Repot every 1-2 years in spring into a slightly larger pot.

Following these growing conditions will help your Philodendron atom thrive and stay healthy.


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