Carissa macrocarpa
Hailing from the coastal regions of South Africa, the Natal Plum offers more than its thorny exterior lets on. This evergreen shrub, armed with pointed spines, graces gardens with its glossy leaves and sweet-scented, white star-like flowers. As if that weren’t enough, it crowns its performance with juicy, blood-red fruit – a rare case of beauty, aroma, and taste in one package.
Flower/s Colour: White
Height: 1-3 m, but can reach up to 6 m in the right conditions
Humidity: Prefers coastal humidity but is adaptable
Indoor or Outdoor: Predominantly outdoor
Leaf Colour: Glossy dark green
Lifespan: Perennial
Soil: Well-draining soil
Sowing Season: Spring for seeds
Structure: Dense, bushy shrub with spiny branches
Sun Requirement: Full sun to partial shade
Temperature: Frost-sensitive but drought-resistant
Water: Moderate; more frequent in dry conditions
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