Lawn Dressing Per 1m³ delivered in helderberg areas


SKU: LAWNDR-2024 Category:


Lawn dressing is a finely sifted mixture of soil, sand, and organic matter used to improve the health and appearance of grass. It helps level uneven lawns, improves drainage, encourages new growth, and replenishes nutrients in the soil. Lawn dressing is often applied to rejuvenate tired or sparse lawns, making them lush and green.

How to Apply Lawn Dressing:

  1. Mow the Lawn: Cut the grass shorter than usual, making it easier for the lawn dressing to reach the soil.

  2. Rake and Aerate: Remove any debris and thatch from the lawn using a rake. Aerate the lawn with a garden fork or aerator to create holes for the dressing to settle into and improve soil aeration.

  3. Apply Lawn Dressing: Evenly spread the lawn dressing over the grass, aiming for a thin layer (about 1–2 cm thick). You can use a shovel or a specialized spreader for larger areas.

  4. Work it In: Use the flat side of a rake to gently work the dressing into the grass. The goal is to have the grass tips still visible, not buried.

  5. Water: Lightly water the lawn after applying the dressing to help it settle into the soil and start working its way down to the grassroots.

  6. Maintain: Keep the lawn moist and avoid heavy traffic while the grass grows through the new layer. In a few weeks, you’ll notice thicker, healthier grass.


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