‘Pink Mist Bush’ Ocimum Labiatus


SKU: PINKSB-2024 Categories: , , ,


  1. Light: Bright and sunny! Place your red basil in a spot where it can soak up plenty of sunlight.

  2. Soil: Well-draining and rich in organic matter. Keep it moist but not waterlogged.

  3. Water: Regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist. Let the top inch of soil dry out between waterings.

  4. Temperature: Warm and cozy! Protect from frost and cold temperatures.

  5. Fertilizer: Feed occasionally with a balanced fertilizer to keep it happy and healthy.

  6. Pruning: Trim regularly to encourage bushy growth and prevent legginess.

  7. Pests and Diseases: Keep an eye out for pests like aphids and diseases like powdery mildew. Treat as needed.

With these simple guidelines, your red basil will thrive and add a pop of flavor to your garden or shop!


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