

A diverse genus of flowering plants known for their cheerful daisy-like blooms.

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SKU: BID-Y-2023 Categories: , ,


Bidens is a diverse genus of flowering plants known for their cheerful daisy-like blooms.

Flower/s Colour: Various colors, including yellow and orange
Height: Varies by species, typically between 1 to 3 feet
Humidity: Tolerant of different humidity levels
Indoor or Outdoor: Primarily grown outdoors
Leaf Colour: Green, sometimes with a hint of reddish or brownish tints
Lifespan: Annuals or perennials, depending on the species
Soil: Well-draining soil
Structure: Bushy or trailing, depending on the species
Sun Requirement: Full Sun to Part Shade
Temperature: Prefers warmer temperatures
Water: Keep soil consistently moist
Wind: Can tolerate mild wind conditions

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 35 cm
Sun Requirement



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